Hai, apa kabar?
kalian tau gak sih kalau saya tuh suka bingung kalau dapet pertanyaan “penyanyi favorit kamu siapa, tis?”
jujur, saya gak punya. dari dulu saya termasuk yang jarang dengerin musik, yaa cuma kadang-kadang aja gitu. mungkin karena
1. i consider kemampuan audio saya jelek banget. selain saya sering ngerasa kesusahan kalau ada listening comprehension di kursus-kursus bahasa yang saya ikutin, saya juga kesusahan kalau guru di sekolah ngajarnya full ngomong doang tanpa menulis di papan yang terstruktur gitu. saya lebih menikmati apa yang kelihatan secara visual, makanya di hp saya dari dulu jumlah mp3 nya jauh jauh jauh lebih sedikit daripada foto dan gambarnya, apalagi semenjak ganti aipon eugh males banget kan ngurusin pake itunes.
2. selera musik saya mainstream. wkwkwk, apa yang lagi sering diputer yaudah aja itu yang saya denger. jarang juga minat buat eksplor penyanyi-penyanyi dan lagu-lagu baru
3. saya suka lagu mostly dari iramanya daripada dari liriknya. wah ini juga nih yang agak lucu, banyak temen saya nyodorin saya lagu-lagu yang lagi mereka suka sambil bilang “tis, dengerin deh liriknya dalem banget!” pas saya dengerin i be like “ih iya buset dalem dah” tapi yaudah aja gitu, kalau saya kurang suka how it sounds itu cuma jadi FYI aja buat saya bahwa lagu itu liriknya oke. beda sama lagu yang saya denger potongannya aja tapi saya suka iramanya, pasti saya puter berulang-ulang ampe cepet bosen. Kadang malah saya suka baru sadar lirik sebuah lagu itu bagus banget setelah lagunya saya puter kesekian ratus kali sambil dipikirin ni lagu maksudnya apa. Beda ya kalau musiknya bagus dan liriknya juga oke, ih itumah combo.
4. saya dibersarkan untuk gak terlalu sering dengerin musik. Biasanya kan orang suka dengerin musik kalau lagi sendirian dirumah atau kalau lagi jalan kaki sambil pake headset. Nah, mama papa saya sering kasih nasihat kalau itu kurang bagus karena ngilangin fokus. Saya cenderung lebih suka nyalain tv walaupun acaranya sampah waktu sendirian dirumah daripada dengerin musik, ya sambil denger-denger juga kalau ada suara orang masuk. Banyak juga kan yang dengerin musik sambil belajar, which is gak mungkin karena konsentrasi saya gampang banget pecah kalau belajar ada suara (balik ke poin 1). Saya selalu diajarin kalau dengerin musik itu bisa kapan aja, makanya gak akan pernah habis kalau kita selalu dengerin musik. Jadi saya denger musik selalu alakadarnya aja (((buset nurut juga ya gue ternyata))). Dari kecil kalau dianter mama papa sekolah pasti dengerinnya Radio Elshinta di mobil, karena lebih bermanfaat buat dengerin informasi dan berita macet hehe. Sampe sekarang preset radio di mobil saya masih ada frekuensi 90.00 Radio Elshinta, yang suka diketawain sama temen-temen.
Sampai akhirnya saya abroad dan sering sendiri, ya saya mulai suka dengerin musik tapi tetep aja playlistnya yang lama-lama. ya kapan-kapan saya share deh random pick old playlist saya. Dan ketika saya udah mulai nyetir sendiri di Jakarta, whew macet tuh bosen banget ternyata. disitulah saya mulai dengrin musik dan radio lagi secara lebih konstan. ya gitu-gitu ajasih, masih tetep gak update dan mainstream.
berkat macetnya jakarta, saya download banyak lagu Tulus. Saya belom pernah dengerin semua track di album ketiganya, jadi saya download sealbum. Saya juga download lagu-lagu lamanya, ada yang saya udah familiar ada juga yang belum kan soalnya. Ternyata ya si om Tulus ini, overall musiknya bikin anget banget. Musisi yang beneran musisi. tadinya saya cuma suka beberapa lagunya, sekarang suka hampir semua yang saya udah pernah denger deh kayaknya wkwkwk (telat banget). Selain nyanyi, lagunya dia tulis sendiri dan ada juga yang dibantu orang lain, produksi sendiri (kayaknya), labelnya juga sendiri deh. Parah kan. Lagu-lagunya asyik didenger, liriknya juga punya banyak makna konotatif yang jadi kedengeran puitis di kuping saya yang gak bertalenta ini. tapi puitisnya beda ya sama lagu-lagunya Barasuara atau Payung Teduh yang menurut saya sih itu fix sastra banget, ya walaupun saya gatau sastra tuh kayak apa karena saya beneran gatau apa-apa banget soal itu.
in one hand emang nih si musik om Tulus tuh somehow puitis, tapi disisi lain bagi saya musiknya jujur banget. saya suka banget cerita-cerita yang diangkat ke lagu-lagunya om Tulus. Perasaan saya sih background ceritanya jarang diangkat oleh musisi lain, gatau apa kalian ngerasa kayak gitu juga atau emang sayanya aja yang jarang dengerin musik-musik diluar sana. Biasanya kan lagu-lagu itu cuma ceritain jatuh cinta sama patah hati, om Tulus juga punya lagu jatuh cinta dan patah hati tapi gak apple to apple bilang gue jatuh cinta sama lo, tapi ditranslasi jadi contohnya bait ratusan hari ku mengenalmu ratusan alasan kamu berharga di lagu Cahaya. cerita yang bikin unik kayak rasa bosan dalam suatu relationship karena si pasangan gabisa ngasih ruang privasi, atau lagu yang intinya cerita woy gue fix mau break tapi gakbisa karena si pasangan egois mempertahankan hubungan demi dirinya sendiri sampe om Tulus harus kayak yang “gue dewasa enough kok buat tetep jadi temen lo walaupun itu klise dan susah”. kayak lebih spesifik dan ada kisahnya kaaaan. ada lagi yang ceritain seorang nona yang perasaannya bertepuk sebelah tangan ke si tuan yang sebenernya sama-sama judgemental banget, tentang cinta yang gabisa berbuat apa-apa walaupun bareng gapernah bisa bersatu, bullying, transformasi anak underdogs, friendzone delapan tahun, tapi yang paling jujur menurut saya itu lagu yang judulnya jangan cintai aku apa adanya. ketika semua orang kepingin dicintai apa adanya, om Tulus nulis satu lagu yang bilang sebaliknya for the sake of kebaikan bersama. how deep is dat? and truly i believe we all can relate to those songs. af.
pas saya tanya temen-temen ternyata banyak juga yang gak suka suka musiknya om Tulus karena katanya liriknya maksa (tetep semangat ya om. ya namanya juga idup pasti ada yang suka ada yang enggak). tapi sebaliknya in my humble opinion hal itu justru menambah faktor kejujuran di musik om Tulus. Jadi itu ya, yang paling jujur bagi saya sejauh ini masih lagu yang judulnya jangan cinrai aku apa adanya. Tapi lagu favorit saya di album Monokrom itu yang judulnya tukar jiwa. Ngerti banget rasa sulitnya ngungkapin cara pikir, perasaan, pengertian dan opini, sampe-sampe bingung harus gimana, capek, dan akhirnya mikir yaudah coba kamu jadi saya aja deh biar kamu tau apa yang saya maksud. Jadi merasa dimengerti sama musiknya om Tulus ketika saya juga ga ngerti sama diri saya sendiri.
Makasih om Tulus atas kehangatan musiknya<3 br="">
Yang lagi pusing udah lama gak nulis panjang-panjang ngeblog3>
November 17, 2017
July 15, 2016
Backpacks / For / Life
whew so last night i coughed myself all night long this is killing meeeh but i'm ok. i guess. no.
i hate it when i cannot sleep.
but anyway i have just finished my training on being a good housewife a.k.a doing chores. start with helping out my mom with the breakfast, babysit my nephew and niece, doing the dishes, tidy up the table, sweeping and mopping the floor. thats all my part fortunately my parents' house isn't big at all so i can survive this lol. i exaggerate:)
since its holiday and i was thinking about to wash my beloved backpack i then remember the conversation between me and my girl friends when we were out to the mall. we were wandering the bag shops when finally i said i dont really into handbags. my friends couldnt believe such a (ekhm ekhm) lady like me loves backpack that much. yes! i do weirdly love backpack. maybe a lil bit too much. maybe its just my inner self who is still soooo young so that the school vibe lingers in my soul lol i laugh myself. i'm not easily into handbags, i like sling bags but i awkwardly picked up the same model all over again: satchel
as far i can remember, since my high school, i've been changing satchel for 4 times. and the ones i retired were old or damaged already so i must buy another one.
i own only one satchel today and it is exactly this one:
between four satchels i had, i only bought one sling to refresh my old boring pattern, a fringe chain sling, a pretty much like this unless the strap was chain type instead of the braids.
and yes, i havent got a Cambridge Satchel Company one. well i guess its a must for satchel lovers.
so going back to the backpacks.
its so hard to take my backpack enthusiasm down. eventho i barely bring my lecture literature to the campus i still wear backpack every single day. like really everyday. when i have to bring my l3" laptop with me i put it in a separated bag so i dont have to put it in my backpack even if it fits inside.
well far from the classic Jansport, in the early 2013 i spent so many time choosing and considering which Kanken bag i should pick as my first one. the colors are amazing how on earth i could pick one? i wanted them all. i finally made up a decision on the violet one, but pity me its sold out eve-ry-whe-rrre. i got myself confused and i finally decided not to buy it at all. hahaha i know its funny. but then the desire came back to me all over again until i decided to buy the ocean green one. i loooove it so much i still wear it and thats the one i intended to wash at the beginning of the post.
as an aunt i brainwash my nephew and niece to slightly have my style HAHAHAHA i insisted that they have to wear each one kanken mini in the color of my pick. thus for God's sake please God forgive me because i finally ended up buying two more colors of these Kanken. they are just too addictive to me:"
i still want all of em. ok let me explain, they are light and strong and the colors are cute to the moon and back. how not to fall in love with them, please somebody enlighten me.........
since the violet Kanken is nowhere left in this world (except if one day Kanken annoyingly restock them) and i love that color so much. i finally allocate the whole love i have to Herschel Supply because i found one whose color is verily similar yay.
i guess we all know compared to kanken, this bag's
pros: more comfortable shoulder straps, comfortable back area, larger (if u take the full size)
cons: heavier, harder to open up and closing down, pricey yes all dat money $$$$
well, i see MiPac has cute prints but i got no intention on having one but lets put some here just because i love the prints yay
lately i have been eyeing on this Grafea, again they are having so amusing colors i cannot handle. Grafea do also have printed bags but i just prefer the regular plain one so the colors and the cutting can stand more by themself.
another cool thing about Grafea, they sell satchel too yay. but i just have to move on i cannot love them forever. dear me, i should reckon handbags since......you know, my age. soon i will need handbags and clutch, i guess?
ok. i think they have several sizes for the backpacks. they also cutify the bags with pompoms and laces, and for you who cannot pick which color to have they provide also colorful ranges. but then here comes the clear Hari backpack which is just irresistible af look by yourself how cute it is :(
just those clear bags arent very proper to be worn in Indonesia bcs you know...the criminal rate.
since Grafea is a UK based bags, i still have to save up to buy it and i dont think my mom would allow me she would be like "what? you spend £160 to buy that see through bag? thats just PVC!" lol me tryna impersonate her.
i should have never wrote this, now i want it now.
whew so last night i coughed myself all night long this is killing meeeh but i'm ok. i guess. no.
i hate it when i cannot sleep.
but anyway i have just finished my training on being a good housewife a.k.a doing chores. start with helping out my mom with the breakfast, babysit my nephew and niece, doing the dishes, tidy up the table, sweeping and mopping the floor. thats all my part fortunately my parents' house isn't big at all so i can survive this lol. i exaggerate:)
since its holiday and i was thinking about to wash my beloved backpack i then remember the conversation between me and my girl friends when we were out to the mall. we were wandering the bag shops when finally i said i dont really into handbags. my friends couldnt believe such a (ekhm ekhm) lady like me loves backpack that much. yes! i do weirdly love backpack. maybe a lil bit too much. maybe its just my inner self who is still soooo young so that the school vibe lingers in my soul lol i laugh myself. i'm not easily into handbags, i like sling bags but i awkwardly picked up the same model all over again: satchel
as far i can remember, since my high school, i've been changing satchel for 4 times. and the ones i retired were old or damaged already so i must buy another one.
i own only one satchel today and it is exactly this one:
between four satchels i had, i only bought one sling to refresh my old boring pattern, a fringe chain sling, a pretty much like this unless the strap was chain type instead of the braids.
and yes, i havent got a Cambridge Satchel Company one. well i guess its a must for satchel lovers.
so going back to the backpacks.
its so hard to take my backpack enthusiasm down. eventho i barely bring my lecture literature to the campus i still wear backpack every single day. like really everyday. when i have to bring my l3" laptop with me i put it in a separated bag so i dont have to put it in my backpack even if it fits inside.
well far from the classic Jansport, in the early 2013 i spent so many time choosing and considering which Kanken bag i should pick as my first one. the colors are amazing how on earth i could pick one? i wanted them all. i finally made up a decision on the violet one, but pity me its sold out eve-ry-whe-rrre. i got myself confused and i finally decided not to buy it at all. hahaha i know its funny. but then the desire came back to me all over again until i decided to buy the ocean green one. i loooove it so much i still wear it and thats the one i intended to wash at the beginning of the post.
as an aunt i brainwash my nephew and niece to slightly have my style HAHAHAHA i insisted that they have to wear each one kanken mini in the color of my pick. thus for God's sake please God forgive me because i finally ended up buying two more colors of these Kanken. they are just too addictive to me:"
i still want all of em. ok let me explain, they are light and strong and the colors are cute to the moon and back. how not to fall in love with them, please somebody enlighten me.........
since the violet Kanken is nowhere left in this world (except if one day Kanken annoyingly restock them) and i love that color so much. i finally allocate the whole love i have to Herschel Supply because i found one whose color is verily similar yay.
i guess we all know compared to kanken, this bag's
pros: more comfortable shoulder straps, comfortable back area, larger (if u take the full size)
cons: heavier, harder to open up and closing down, pricey yes all dat money $$$$
well, i see MiPac has cute prints but i got no intention on having one but lets put some here just because i love the prints yay
one i always wanted but not yet my caliber is the famous cognac MCM
backpack i said goodbye to. maybe later when i work already lol
lately i have been eyeing on this Grafea, again they are having so amusing colors i cannot handle. Grafea do also have printed bags but i just prefer the regular plain one so the colors and the cutting can stand more by themself.
another cool thing about Grafea, they sell satchel too yay. but i just have to move on i cannot love them forever. dear me, i should reckon handbags since......you know, my age. soon i will need handbags and clutch, i guess?
ok. i think they have several sizes for the backpacks. they also cutify the bags with pompoms and laces, and for you who cannot pick which color to have they provide also colorful ranges. but then here comes the clear Hari backpack which is just irresistible af look by yourself how cute it is :(
just those clear bags arent very proper to be worn in Indonesia bcs you know...the criminal rate.
since Grafea is a UK based bags, i still have to save up to buy it and i dont think my mom would allow me she would be like "what? you spend £160 to buy that see through bag? thats just PVC!" lol me tryna impersonate her.
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ok i lied, i like this printed one! |
i should have never wrote this, now i want it now.
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