
April 01, 2011


salam (akhir) maret!
HUHUHUHUHUHUHU tolong jangan ingatkan saya pada apa yang akan saya hadapi bulan depan lebih 9hari. (nangis kejer).
wadooh udah april.... gatau mesti sedih apa seneng. actually, i wish March was stay longer..........because i really am not ready yet for the AS LEVEL.
sudah sudahsudah.

jadi. ada apa sajakah dibulan maret?

pertama, ya gak jauh2 dari quiz, homework, pastpaper, dan kesakitan hati lainnya kibat nilai nilai HUH.
awal bulan udah disambut ulangan pure math sama statistic, borong deh~
Alhamdulillah dapet 100 22nya, xixixi SENANG. maklum semenjak SMA susah dapet nilai segitu. jarang terjadi, langka, dan (tetep) berdoa semoga kejadian seperti ini bukan kebetulan belaka. aminnnn:)

kedua. mbak mia's wedding. march 6th.
jujur, first time banget pake make up beneran. AKHIRNYA GUE PUNYA ALISSSSS!!!!! (walaupun cuma digambar) heah....... malu banget, biasa tampang kucel jadi ada polesannya, sangat tidak terbiasa.
what else ya, hmmmm last day spent my 16.
terus ketemu mbak Fika dari Nably Covered yang juga tergabung dalam Hijabers Community . sayangnya gue gak cukup berani untuk datengin mbak Fika dan SKSD hehehehe, padahal akhirnya pas gue wall, dia minta di tegor gitchuuu. sayangnya berhubung getar2 cinta BB gak sedahsyat vibratenya goyang inul, gue jadi baru baca balesan wall nya setelah acara resepsinya selese. haih, aturan mah gue ajakin foto bareng aja sekalian dan tanya2 juga soal HC ya~~ duh mau di printscreen wall2wallnya sebenernya, tapi lagi ngeror uh.

last 16 with momma and sisty

yang ketiga apa ya... oya, my seven.............teenth birthday.
hari yang gue gak tunggu2.... aaaaa tp pada akhirnya siape seeeh yang bisa ngestop waktu (serem abis).
7 maret dikerjain abis2an sama temen2 sekelas. dimusuhin, didiemin, ditempatin sebangku bukan sama temen sebangku gue, untungnya guru2 gak ada yang mau di ajak sekongkol. dan akhirnya mewek juga-____-""
kronologisnya nih ya, si Mantil tadinya masih mau ngajak ngomong gue eh setelah istirahat dia malah ngejauhin gue.......sarap. kebelet, akhirnya ke kamar mandi, setelah gue ke kamar mandi, anak2 Inter A kayak Bella, Vira, Deya dll itu pada keluar dan ngucapin selamat gitu pas gue lewat kelasnya......wah gue seneng dong sambil terharu gitu. pas mereka tanya kenapa ya gue jujur "gue lagi dimusuhin....didiemin parah gitu" akhirnya mereka2 yang baik hati ini malah ngajakin gue ke kelasnya soalnya mereka juga lagi main monopoly, ya sambil liatin gue ngobrol2 juga.
mungkin classmates scented my absence kali ya, akhirnya datenglah si Ara, dia masih nganggep gue nggak ada seolah-olah gue nggak masuk gitu aihhhh makin bt parah, terus dateng lagi dedemit (hahahahah!) si Mantil nyamper ke kelas inter A. abis gitu Ozi juga ngebujukin biar gue balik ke kelas..... nah si dedemit mantil satu ini meluk2 sambil nanya2 "tis, lo bete ya? sedih ya?" PERTANYAAN MACAM APA ITUUUUUUU????! ya iyalah..................................tuing tuing.
tiba2 datanglah Syandi, pake sok2 mau pinjem kertas kimia yang dikasih Bu Isna, sejak kapan sih dia suka minjem paper gue ha? udah gue bilang papernya ada di map ijo gambar snail2, tapi si Syandi masih kekeuh harus gue ambilin katanya takut salah. masya Allah......kesel tuh, ada berapa sih map ijo gambar siput dikelas gue? gue mulai merasakan kesekongkolan Syandi dan anak2 yang lain.
si Mantil Syandi akhirnya narik2 paksa gue balik ke kelas. huh akhirnya keluar juga air mata pamungkas......abisnya di tarik2 begitu sih~mantil juga pake peluk2 ngusap2 gue ya gimana gak keluar tu air mata.
akhirnya dengan bergelinang air mata gue balik ke kelas, pas gue masuk tapi nggak ada siapa2, cuma ada beberapa orang.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz banget. eh ada si kampret atu si Tirta nyolot gitu ngomongnya "MEWEK! GAK DI APA2IN NANGIS! NGADU SANA AMA EMAK!" idihhhh emak gue aja gakpernah ngegituin gue, nahluhhhhh parah abis. walaupun gue tau gue lagi dikerjain tapi tetep aja gue gaktahan digituin, anggaplah gue cengeng. tapi gue emang gakbisa kayak gitu...
bergelinang lagilah airmata, si Tirta keluar, tiba2 ada yang buka pintu. rame2 eh ada nyala2 sambil nyanyi happy birthday. LANGSUNG JEJOWAKAN nangis kejer gakberhenti.
kesel, sedih, merasa teraniaya, terharu........hikshiks dikasih cheesecake enak:9
makasih temen2, Michelle Yani Cindy Keke Bagus Cintiya Fadhil semuanya dehhhhh, walaupun caranya rada ngebetein, tapi gue terharuuuu.
makasih Tirta Rara Belly buat kuenya... walaupun Rara ngebelepetin kuenya ke muka gue yang akhirnya jadi lengket dan ke kerudung gue yang jd ungu gara2 kena blueberry-nya...
makasih banget juga buat Ozi soalnya cuma kamu zi yang mau nemenin aku pas hari itu (apalagi pas istirahat, pada ngabur semua, cuma Ozi yang nyisa), terererengkyu. ahiya, kasian juga dia lagi puasa jadi gak kebagian kuenya. lain kali ya zi :):)

cheesecake enak....

apalagi yahhhh, keempat, ngerjain tugas Nitrogen and Sulphur. giling bikin diagram Haber Process sama Contact Process. 
sekelompok sama Michelle, Opank, Bagus, sama Allaam. wadooooh gue tim ide kreatif, Michelle bagian data, Bagus bagian gambar2, si  Opank bagian yang beli2, si Allaam bagian motong2. walaupun bagian2 itu nggak semuanya benar, soalnya kita pada jadi cabutan sana sini wakakakak. yang jelas TERIMAKASIH MARSHA si ke-ibu-an Inter B ini nggak masuk tapi ngebekelin kelompoknya dia berbagai alat tulis dan keperluan2nya. ya otomatis sama aja ngefasilitasin kita2 juga wkwkwk. soalnya emang si Marsha  ini yang paling royal, baik banget deh makasihhhhh sha...

ada kejadian kocak, karena si bagus kebagian ke sketch di impra boardnya, dia mau gakmau harus bawa pulang si impra boardnya itu, eh tau2nya setelah besoknya pagi2 ditungguin, katanya impraboardnya ILANG! terbang dijalan gara2 dia terpacu buat balapan sama kokoh2 dijalanan. waduh anak ini memang tidak mujur kalo lagi sama cina...... pertama dia ngebonceng Armand, dia ketodong, terus dia ngebonceng Michelle yang chinese juga eh dia kecopetan, terus dia balapan ama cina lagi eeeeh dia keilangan impraboard buat tugas yang deadlinenya tinggal sehari. gue ama Michelle disekolah udah rada2 emosi tapi gakbisa nahan ketawa juga sih....... mau gakmau akhirnya si Bagus nonton tv sambil makan bacang dirumahnya sambil nunggu gramedia buka, dan baru sampe sekolah jam 12siang. hahahaha. ngakak, maaf gus tapi itu emang kocak... tapi akhirnya selesai juga, walaupun dengan berbagai halangan ritangan menghadang yang jadi maslah dan jadi beban pikiran (sung go kong style banget)

kelima, ada Family Gathering Saharsa......
di Desa Wisata TMII (deket rumah wkwkwkwkwk)
tadinya berniat gak ikut karena temen2 yang lain gak pada ikut juga, sepi. tapi berhubung sampe didatengin ketua angkatan dan panitia dari interA, rasa2nya mulai nggak enak... apalagi si Keke sama Bagus mulai2 rese gara2 mereka tau rumah gue deket tapi gue nggak ikut... alhasil gue sama Mantil ikut deh, walaupun dia akhirnya pulang duluan gara2 harus ngejemput emaknye di bandara haha.
gue bertahan sampe acaranya hampir abis bareng2 sama Yani, Cindy, Opank, Ozi, Syandi, Bagus, Keke, Fadhil...... walaupun sepi gara2 guru inter yang kebetulan bisa dateng cuma maam ratna doang..
tapi gue seneng kok ;p
bagian favorit: main game, sama pas nerbangin balloon warna warni yang udah diiketin wish2 dari anak2 satu angkatan. sweet banget di langit jadi kayak ada bubble warna-warni. nanti kalo gue nikah mau nerbangin balloon juga ah ;p wekekekekeekek.
pas lagi main game. numpukkkk.
nerbangin balloon. sweet banget deh
kita kita

keenam, mulai nonton Glee.
selama Glee s1 ada gue gak pernah berniat nonton walaupun tetep jadi penikmat musiknya, abisnya sekalinya nonton gue jadi geli beneran gara2 Rachel kalo nyanyi bibirnya gak santeyyy.
s2 baru2 ini baru mulai nonton.... hihihi yah karakter fave sih tetep Kurt :) hahaha dia lucu banget. tapi ya SAM sama MIKE itu lovely banget...... Sam kalo udh sama Quinn, duh tepar deh! Mike juga keren T_T tetep bekas2 Step Up-nya kebawa.

Sam: I think I love you.  
Quinn: Oh my God...are you proposing? We've known each other for 6 weeks. Stand up, you're freaking me out.
Sam: I want to marry you...someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring?
Quinn: What are you..six?
Sam: If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to be true, to never pressure you to do anything more than kiss. To listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth..or eye gunk. To come over to your house whenever you need something super heavy moved around. I promise to make you feel proud when you point down the hall and say, "that dudes my boyfriend".

tepar deh~~~~major sweetness.

yang terakhir deh.....birthdays.
seumur hidup, gue ngerasa orang lahir bulan maret yang gue kenal itu sangat sedikit, bisa diitung jari deh.
tapi sma malah buanyak banget loh....
gue, Ovi, Michelle, Mitbol, Pak Iding, Maam Sari, Ilham Imaaddudin, Ayu Rizki, Ria, Elin, dan masih banyak lagi (sampe lupa......) wah pokoke sing apik yo (halah njowonya ngasal) selamat ulang tahun untuk semua Marchers. semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah swt, AMINNNN:D:D:D

April 1st:
kangen Tanjung Lesung, banget.
school's boring recently
get bored with magazine (thanks God, finally)
trending "RIP Jackie Chan" semalem masih ada di twitter, dan nyebelin banget huhuhu....
udah beli perlengkapan ujian AS LEVEL +___+
need more new clothes on looklet
nggak ngerti april mop
Dad said something made me happy.... semoga gak php :D
pengen nonton Killing Bono, ada Ben disituuuu:3
lagi pengen makan kebab
KESEL KOMPUTER MAMA MELEDUG, GAKBISA NYALA. pake netbook sendiri tapi modemnya gojal gajul aih.
nulis blog ini habis makan es durian :9
abis sparing 3on3 monopoly perempuan InterB VS InterA. interB: gue, lia, mantil. interA: bella, vira, aci. akhirnya interA menang..... congratz ya gurlssss. hahaha


February 27, 2011

late february random things

ngeblog ah...... and again without reason(?)
ok, there are 2reasons------- to write my random thought, and, my looklet doesn't work (still and again)
btw, MARCH IS COMING. wttttth. time flies so fustttt!
i'm going 17 in few days, aishhh and as level is only about 12 more weeks (Allah please give me strength).

#1 random thing
girls crush:
still a big fan of Georgie Henley, but lately i keep on looking for Elle Fanning, Georgia Jagger, and Kendall Jenner.
>i lovvvvve to see Gee growing up from lil Lucy Pevensie's innocent face into the fab teenage. she's turning 16 this july and however looked amazing. her red carpet style and her natural wavy hair never goes wrong.
>her sister, Dakota, is a cool girl ya everyone knows, but Elle (turning 13 this april) is awesome in somehow different way from her sister. i've googled about her for months and i've loved her style since first time i saw her with uber cool red three holes doc-mart.
>daughter of the legendary rockstar- she's jagger!- Georgia seems had that rockish blood, 19 years old grunge style with messy hair, tooth gap, big lips, she really is the original one and a good model too.
>15 years old step sister of the kardashians, and still blood-related to brody jenner, this girl is absolutely my fave among-lets say- the kardashians....still 15, got the height, got the body, got the family, got the pretty, got the rich. envy?

grown up Henley
the red doc mart is up there

k for kendall

#2 random thing
moths ago googled up my name myself, and found another TISA. this tisa:

so this tisa is a brand, and the phenomenon collection is the mcm pattern. i still do not know what is mcm stands for, and i dont really understand how this stuff is really happening west there. yea, i want the gloves.
but it's cool to seeing your name in hoodies or hats. hahaha. check this TISA .

#3 random thing
people, these stuff are uber cool. the galaxy printed outfits. i found them mostly designed by Christopher Kane . whoever wears this thing is going elevated-over the edge.

#4 random thing
today is February 27th, my sistyyy birthday. happy 25 teteh Cory. i want a nephew or niece!!!

#5 random thing
watch is an everyday use for me. and these watch is take me out banget deh.... hehe:P
swatch, as always, successfully grabs my heart. these Jeremy Scott and The Lady Collection are screaming ask me to buy them.

Jeremy Scott x Swatch watch

i wuv this!
googled and found this. CAN YOU SEE HOW NICE THEY AREEEE?! lady collections and the bracelets are lovable. hey i'm a bracelets user!

February 06, 2011


february------- (still) counting down for the as level, and another damn counting down to the 17...
asghjlkjhagdsgdhahs..... next week is full of examination, yes i'm complaining complaining complaining.
i feel like teachers are competing to book our day to have endless examination, sigh.
see this cruelty:
monday - biology quiz, doubled chapter.
tuesday - dance (tari japin 0.0)
wednesday - chemistry
thursday - toefl reading test
friday - puremath
seems wow, isn't it? but i have no choice..... oh yes i do have choices, good mark or bad mark. which one? first.

away from this suffer (heard so depressive), i really am depress wanting these stuffs:

1. cape / poncho
the different is, cape is long garment that covers only the back half of the wearer, fastening around the neck, while poncho is an outer garment with an opening space for your head. but sometime i'm still in confusion to decide one item whether it is cape or poncho, these two can be sooooo close.
both seems cool, and suitable for jakarta's current unstable weather. moreover these kind of outwear mostly quite long enough to cover my hips, i'm veiled remember?

as seen on harry potter. happy happy happy. gimme one please *shining eyes*

2. rain boots
yeaha i dont even know how can i love this kind of shoes hihihi, but whatever they're cute.
just googled 'rain boots' then you'll fall for them.
from the classic, cuties, grunge, designer-made, zillion types and colors available somewhere far from here i think, in jakarta cuma abang2 pasar yang pake beginian.... but they transform into superb item.

3. aviator hat
like it since i watched haha used it in running man show.... yes, it's the one like used by pororo :D
then ugged is better

HEY SEE! cape and aviator hat :3. btw this is from  Topshop A/W 10-11 collection
4. melissa wing wedges
cute but i really am not good heels user ;p
and where you gonna use something like this......super eye catching.

5. gloves
i've never seen people use gloves to hang out like in the mall or cafe, yea if someone uses it,
i believe she would take lots of attention. i'm kinda love it because of looklet :) sometime i add gloves in my outfit to make it over the edge, but sad i've tried zillion times to save my new look but failed failed and failed. SADDDDD!!!!!!
fyi, Fingerless gloves with one large opening rather than individual openings for each finger are sometimes called gauntlets.
i'll give my thumbs up if someone could use gloves and nice outfits, without looked over-fashion victim, here in Jakarta.

gaga used it often

sasha pivovarova

look like fighter, or maybe motorcycle gangster, but still~ nicey

where can i find them? they're zzang d(^_^)b
and i believe my grammar sucks.

January 24, 2011


i need refreshment.............. sigh...... i need more refreshment.... sigh..
i highly needed refreshment....sigh............. oh shht i extremely need more refreshment___________sigh.
what's goin on lately?
beside of the getting crazy of school deadline, every week filled with tons of exam and homework...i feel like drying up, i got addicted playing Dactyl on my iTouch, which is very helpful in fixing my tired up mood.

google image is so useful:D

so, i have been like a month with Sam Tsui stick on my mind my ear my heart.
ok, he wasn't in to glee, HAPPY and wishing he released his album then. likeitlikeitlikeit.
first impression: shht, beautiful voice.
second impression: man, you got the charisma. you HAWWWWWT, sure. but i think you seems like someone.
next impression: mirip darius lu! hahahaha
then i got myself impressed and getting more impressed by him.

Sam Tsui
Darius Sinathrya
yes, there's of course only a little like 3 or 4 percent of their likeness, but i swear i automatically called up darius' face when firstly saw Sam Tsui video. so here we go, some of my fave sam tsui's cover

these cool stuffs are produced by Kurt Hugo, talented and awssssss producer yeah....


one more addiction, maybe i will have my first fave singer....... :)
(tisa sartika - sam tsui) :P